- Nothing. It is free. Yes, free. There are no catches.
- Luminate is one of the best values available for aspiring and seasoned entrepreneurs.
- Luminate is delivered via industry-leading webinar technology.
- Register for the event, sit back, watch, and listen.
- Our innovative Q&A technology allows you to ask questions and interact LIVE with the speakers and other participants.
- Luminate combines the best of the best speakers, successful entrepreneurs, strategists, thinkers, thought leaders, and business experts from around the world under one independent umbrella.
- Luminate is not directly affiliated with any organization, company, or association.
- We have no contracts or exclusive arrangements of any kind to prevent us from pursuing the cream of the crop on a particular subject matter.
- The profound benefit of not having to TRAVEL to develop these skills or interrupt your current workflow and save on traveling and better for the environment!
- We are always interested in hearing from those who are doing amazing things in our industry.
- If someone you know is exhibiting strong thought leadership, has a proven and successful track record, or is an expert in their industry, please email those details to to receive a nomination form and application for next year’s event.
- We are firmly focused on material and thought leadership that caters to entrepreneurs.
- Business owners, in other disciplines, are free to attend, as there are a wide variety of topics that might appeal to them — such as the fundamentals and principles of business, sales, marketing, leadership, social media, in addition to topics that serve the well-being of the individual.
- All content will be designed SPECIFICALLY for conscious entrepreneurs.
What inspired you to create Luminate?
- Rain, a serial entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience, decided to leverage technology as a platform to share knowledge, expertise, and stories from entrepreneurs and leaders all over the world to any aspiring entrepreneurs or seasoned entrepreneurs who have access to the internet or phone.
- Throughout her journey, she worked with many thriving entrepreneurs in Southeast Asia, India, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and North America, she studied and grilled them about what it takes to grow a company from a startup to a medium or large-sized company.
- In the course of her search for answers, it dawned on her that 90% of the subjects she interviewed were men, women have long been considered a “minority”. And now it’s the time for the transition (which is already happening) and by providing further education and knowledge to support these women to thrive in their lives while doing what they love.
What is Luminate?
- Luminate (formerly the Women In Business World Summit) is one of the only few online events for women in business and women entrepreneurs.
- Its purpose is to support, empower, guide, and mentor women all over the world.
- This year, 2022, we have decided to include everyone regardless of their gender to build a better together.
- Luminate identifies only those who are truly experts in their fields to be speakers, presenters, or partners… and those who have a passion to serve others.
- The event is completely pitch-free.
- Luminate cuts through the clutter and brings you only the best of the best; leaders and successful entrepreneurs who are making a difference for real-world businesses and business owners across the globe.
- Entrepreneurs just starting out.
- Veteran entrepreneurs with several successful ventures under her belt.
- Individuals who are afraid to jump into entrepreneurship because of all the seemingly endless challenges.
- Luminate puts a call out to successful entrepreneurs around the world and chooses individuals who:
- Have high credibility in their field.
- Give back strongly to others in that field.
- Have a reputation for integrity.
- Are known for advanced collaboration skills.
- Are conscious that we are all one.
- Are passionate about conscious sustainability.
- Are generous and live with purpose and passion.
- Understand that a deal is a good deal when it is good for all concerned, including Earth.
Light The World With Conscious Entrepreneur
Luminate is thrilled to welcome the PARTNERS for the 5th annual event.
Our partners have given aspiring conscious entrepreneurs access to the summit, a platform where they can express their purpose, joy, and love in the work they do while learning to fully embrace the core of their HEART & SOUL.
Get Involved!
This is an excellent way to pay it forward in supporting entrepreneurs in the arena of business and entrepreneurial advancement. There are many ways you and your organization can contribute and participate as a WEWorld Summit Partner; it is absolutely a marvelous way for your company to achieve its corporate social responsibility and global citizenship goals.
To find out more about how you can get involved, contact us at